I got out the good charcoal paper for the assignment before I ever found my reference. There's something about portraiture that's just... *special*. It's an honor to put a person's likeness to paper. I don't get into all the stuff about "transferring the soul of the subject" or anything - I just want a good likeness, and a nice work of art. At the same time, it is intensely personal. I've been drawing portraits a long time. Over 15 years ago I started seriously trying to capture realism and likeness and personality in my drawings of faces, and I copied lots and lots of photos. But there's a big difference between copying a photo and creating a piece of art from the act of doing so.
You can't just draw an object when you're doing a portrait. I mean, every little thing an artist draws or paints is, essentially, breaking down the subject into shapes and lines and values and colors. It's very scientific and very impersonal. That's why our figure drawings aren't titillating unless we mean them to be. The figure is just another collection of lines and shapes and values. There's no difference between a breast and a coffee mug. And especially working academically, there's no deeper feeling involved outside of wanting it to look right, and the thrill of getting it to look right, whatever it is.
Again, I'm speaking only for myself. I'm sure other more passionate and expressive artists might disagree with me. But expressive art is a whole different subject.
But portraiture. Portraiture *has* to be personal. A model goes up on a platform, disrobes, and says "Draw this!" That's what they're there for. But a PORTRAIT. How often do you just go up to someone and touch their face? It's an incredibly intimate gesture. So much of creating art is touching, though transferred from the eye to the hand. So when approaching a portrait, I always come in humbled. Humbled that I would be allowed this intimacy and trust. It doesn't matter if the subject is some celebrity in a press photo or someone's photographs of their family or from life. A portrait is something special.
This week, I was looking for references for my Color & Design project when a photo of Rachel Weisz jumped out at me for the portrait assignment. It was very simple, very sedate, a profile with a lot of black and white contrast. This feather in her hat had a lovely way of curving down to match up with the curve of her jawline. I said, that's the one, that's the ref for this week's portrait. So I spent quite a few hours with Rachel, muttering apologies about how big I'd often mistakenly draw her nose, before finally ending up with a lovely portrait.

It was just SO PLEASANT to spend time doing such a thing this week. I have to draw arms and torsos next. Not quite so special.
While on the subject of portraiture, a couple months ago I was asked to do a caricature of the pastor of my mom's church, First Presbyterian Church of Clarks Summit (shameless plug since I'm not a member, but really, it's a great place up there!) It was for a big celebration event for some of major milestones, and the caricature was to be one of the presented gifts. Oh boy. Well, I've never done a caricature. I've always thought it's a cool thing, especially when you see folks set up on sidewalks and such doing them in 10 minutes for $20 or whatever. But I also think it's related to that gift cartoonists have, of being able to capture expression and likeness in a minimum amount of lines. I don't have that gift of efficiency, unfortunately. I had to draw a portrait, then work backwards to simplicity.
I didn't, of course, start with a portrait like the one above. Heaven's no - I would have presented that instead of the caricature if I did! I did do several quick sketches though, like any I would do, trying to learn the facial features and so forth and add them to the personality I'm familiar with. Then came the choices - what to accentuate? What to minimize? How to make the design work around it? I was very glad to be taking a design course right now, as I think it helped I had some of those ideas in mind. Anyway, I put everything together and drew it in pen and marker (terrifying unerasable media!) on layout bond paper, with a bit of graphite for shading. I crossed my fingers and handed it over, hoping it would be well-received.
Sadly, I only have one kind of shoddy picture of it, since I forgot to take one apparently before I framed it and handed it over.

I was really, really surprised by how many congregation members came up to me after the event and told me how well it captured their pastor. I was also really, really relieved! Because it wasn't just a picture. Even though it was a caricature, it was still a portrait, and I was still humbled and honored to draw it.
Portraits are just special like that.