First official post in my shiny new blog. I'm moving here in part to get out of Deviant Art, and in part to create a better front page for my website. Please be patient with formatting and design of this page as I fiddle with things - I like it well enough now, but there's always more that can be done! This will work for the time being.
The blogger URL here will always work, but I hope eventually to get the domain to point here as well.
I'm also hoping to post fairly often, even if it's only the day's sketches. I've been trying to do 30-minute portraits every day, usually of my WoW characters. For an example, here's today's!

I just got a new MacBook Pro that runs Painter beautifully, but I'm using an *old* small Wacom tablet with it, and really need to take some time to find the right brushes to work with it. It's great to be able to paint whenever, sitting here on the couch, but still very clumsy compared to the setup I have on the desktop in the other room.
Good enough for sketches though.
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