So we have a nifty action-sketch of Shu Qi from the movie So Close. It's a very fun movie. I don't do dynamic poses often, so it was a challenge. Hands are fail.
I also don't do non-standard body types often, so last night I sketched this burly guy from my Virtual Pose DVD:

Last night I was all "RAWR! I'm going to do FIVE FIGURES BEFORE CHOPPED COMES ON!!" Well, I did these two. This morning got eaten up with domain/website issues, emails that needed answering, and further fiddly bits. Sometimes there seems to be more administration going on than artwork, but I'm not always putting up new blogs sites and updating my website and everything every day either.
I am going to sit down with Painter now and figure out a nice brush set for basic drawing/painting. At very least I *attempted* my 30-minute drawing today.
As far as schoolwork goes, I have to tear down my lovely clay man to make way for a lovely clay woman. And download the tutorials for the week. And practice some figures for the figure drawing class. Thankfully this week and next are set aside for midterms for my art history class, so not much to do there.
I'm beginning to be a little miffed at my figure drawing class, because it really should be requiring a lot more than the assignments are giving. I mean, last week we had one figure and a portrait assigned. This week it's two figures. Now granted, each week we look at different aspects of how the figure can be seen and drawn, and each week we bring them to a higher level of finish, but the assignments just don't even suggest the amount of *practice* that should be going on. I mean, figure drawing is something that you have to put time into, work on constantly, do figure after figure, if you want to really get a good feel for it. Just doing one or two a week isn't going to cut it.
So expect to see more sketches like those above. I will get back to painting when I get Painter figured out here, or when the big PC in the other room starts behaving and not shocking itself to death every time I touch the desk the wrong way.
As an extra bonus, here is a link to a great tutorial on drawing heads. I've been using this method for a couple months now and really like it!
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